TanoSecure Inc.

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Longtan Farm at Taoyuan

Longtan Farm at Taoyuan

Smart Farm rebuilt in an Old Chicken Coop

Because both of the food safety and regimen issues in Taiwan, people prefer organic and non-toxic products to those with ever pesticide-spraying. Since greenhouses can help in getting rid of diseases and pests and then increase the yield of crops, more and more greenhouses can be seen in Taiwan. The Longtan Farm at Taoyuan was one of greenhouses originally for raising chickens. It was discarded later and then rebuilt by Tano smart farming team as a greenhouse for cultivating crops.

In comparison with other greenhouses for cultivating crops, most of them are covered only with plastic shield. With the same system mentioned in the Baoshan Farm, everything is under monitor and control by AI. All products have no residues of pesticides, phosphide, and heavy metal. All of them are non-toxic. The Longtan Farm at Taoyuan applied for and was granted the organic certification a few years ago.

As mentioned above, all the cultivation steps and information standardized in GACP are also recorded. Customers can then explore those recorded cultivation steps and information to buy with peace of mind. The Longtan Farm at Taoyuan also provides a good demonstration of beginning of smart farming.